Discipleship | Evangelism of a Disciple

Session 05 : Evangelism of a Disciple

In this session, we will be looking at several questions around the topic of Evangelism. Evangelism is a topic that splits Christians, some love it and others leave as soon as you start talking about it. Some of the questions we will be looking at seem pretty obvious, for example, “what exactly is the Gospel?” But as we dig a little deeper, we realize that it is sometimes not that easy to put words to a concept like the Gospel. Is the Gospel “Jesus at the cross” or is there more to it? How is the Gospel message relevant today, in our modern world and in different cultures around the globe? And who should actually share this message? Are there a handful of professional Evangelists or is this a mandate to all of us? Enjoy this session, as Marcel explores these questions with us, open your heart, and be ready to receive God’s heart for people and evangelism.